Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Gratitude Increases Sales

Increase your inner peace, happiness and hope …
by living in gratitude.

This is not just Boulder froufrou stuff; there is good research that links gratitude with happiness, contentment, hope and even success.

Gail, a saleswoman, was very frustrated that her sales had plateaued for several years. Even though she was generally a positive person, she said, “I spent a lot time thinking about the sales I didn’t have, how well others were doing and the sales I needed to meet my goals.”

Gail said she “learned about gratitude and began being thankful for the sales I did have, and looking forward to the sales I wanted to get to reach my goals. This was a small, but significant, shift in my thinking, which gave me a more positive attitude. It resulted in attracting people wanting to buy from me, and I then easily reached my goals.”

Gail broke through her plateau not by working harder, or with a new sales technique — she did it simply by being in gratitude. She said, “It’s so simple, it doesn’t seem like being more grateful should increase my sales, but it does. Sales success, like all success, is a mental game.”

It’s best to speak your gratitude out loud;
it’s easy, and the benefits are huge.

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